To import via DOI, you must first register with Crossref and then have your site/account configured with your CrossRef OpenURL Account ID.

Click on an image to make it bigger.
Biblio - Import - DOI - Search Metadata on CrossRef

1. Search CrossRef

Go to Crossref.

Click on the Search Metadata tab at the top center of the screen.

Enter the subject of your search.

Hit your Enter/Return key.

Biblio - Import - DOI - Search Results on CrossRef

2. Copy DOI

From your search results page, copy the DOI of the resource you wish to use. The DOI begins immediately after the "org/" and runs the full remainder of the URL.

If you're not sure about the article, just click the link and it will take you to the document. The DOI will also appear somewhere on the document (the location can vary, but it will be displayed somewhere).

Biblio - Import - DOI - Paste DOI in New Biblio Field

3. Create Biblio Content

Return to your site.

Go to Admin menu > Content > Add Content > Biblio.

Click on the DOI Lookup fieldset to expand it.

DOI field = paste in your DOI number.

Click the Populate using DOI button.

Biblio - Import - DOI - Node Autofills

4. Data Imported

The data contained in the DOI reference will autofill in the appropriate locations in your Biblio node.

Click the Save button.

Biblio - Import - DOI - Completed Biblio Node

5. Completed Biblio Node

Your completed Biblio import will appear.