Upon logging in, you'll be redirected to your personal dashboard. This dashboard presents lists for all of the content you own throughout the site as well as all of the groups you belong to.
Clicking on the little house icon in the upper left, or the Home link in the breadcrumbs, will take you to the front page of the site.
Clicking on your username in the upper right corner of the screen will take you to your account page and clicking on the Log out link in the upper right will log you out of the system.
My Content block = the titles of all of the content you own will show in this block
My OSU Groups block = the titles of all of the groups that you're a member of will show in this block
Site Contacts block = this is a list of all Site Managers and Architects - the folks who can do things at a high level on the site
Group Management block = global managers and architects are able to see a list of all of the groups within a site via this block