Different disciplines, industries, and institutions may use different bibliographic styles. Some common examples:
Modern Language Association (MLA) - Literature, arts, and the humanities
Council of Science Editors (CSE) - Natural sciences, chemistry, mathematics, and physics
Chicago - Newspapers, books, magazines, and non-scholarly publications
Also, often groups will have their own custom citation format. Biblio is capable of rendering fifteen different common citation format styles, and provides some for the node's layout and whether or not to display annotations.
Text to display if no year of publication is available - This field is the text that will be displayed if no date of publication is supplied or if it is deliberately set to 9999 (default is "Submitted").
Text to display if year of publication is set to 9998 - This field is the text that will be displayed if the date of publication is deliberately set to 9998, by default "In Press."
Style - This drop-down is the master style of the /biblio list view. Here are some examples:
Node Layout - This setting modifies the visual style of the full view of a Biblio publication (accessed by clicking on its title). Here is a demonstration of Tabular, Original and Bibliographic Style Chosen Above:
Annotations - If you would like to include annotations, select a field from while they will be displayed.
Styling Examples
Biblio - Preferences - Styling - Available Citation Styles
Node Layout Example
Biblio - Preferences - Styling - Node Layout Tabular
Biblio - Preferences - Styling - Node Layout Original