Make sure to double-check your Pathauto general settings. To do this, follow the instructions located in the Pathauto General Settings Tab section of this book.
These are the current patterns that have been configured for content using OG in our OSU Drupal 7 site. Please note that Parent Unit is a custom node type that we use to provide a semblance of a hierarchical structure, which OG currently lacks:
Default path pattern: [node:content-type]/[node:og_group_ref]/[node:title]
Pattern for all Basic page paths: [node:title]
Pattern for all Book page paths: [node:field_parent_unit]/[node:book:parents:join-path]/[node:title]
Pattern for all Feature Story paths: [node:content-type]/[node:title]
Pattern for all Group paths: [node:content-type]/[node:title]
Pattern for all Image Album paths: [node:content-type]/[node:title]
Pattern for all Job Posting paths: [node:field_parent_unit]/[node:og_group_ref]/[node:content-type]/[node:title]
Pattern for all Parent Unit paths: [node:title]
Pattern for all Program paths: [node:field_parent_unit]/[node:book:parents:join-path]/[node:title]
Pattern for all Video paths: [node:content-type]/[node:title]