Biblio's Book publication type contains fields suited to this type of publication.

Click on an image to make it bigger.
Biblio - Create Book Type - Enter Title and Authors

1. Create Biblio Book Publication Type

To begin, go to Admin menu > Content > Add Content > Biblio.

After the screen loads, from the Publication Type drop-down, select Book. If it does not automatically redirect you, click Next.

On the next page, enter the Title and, a bit lower, the Author(s) of the book.  Many authoring options are available, including editors and corporate authors.

Biblio - Create Book Type - Add Abstract

2. Add An Abstract

Click the Abstract tab and add in some summary text to provide an overview of the book. 

Biblio - Create Book Type - Add Keywords

3. Add Keywords

Click the Keywords tab on the left, and provide keywords by which users can find and identify the book.

If you would like to visit other tabs and fill out additional information, go ahead and do so.

Biblio - Create Book Type - Completed

4. Completed Book Publication Type

When you're finished scroll to the bottom and click Save. You will be presented with a nicely formatted table of information about this particular publication. Cilcking on the Author link will list all publications by that author, and clicking on Keyword links will list all publications on the site that contain that keyword. There are also links below the table to search Google Scholar for the article and to view the information in a variety of popular formats.

Biblio - Create Book Type - Add Publication Info

5. Add Publication Information

Click the Publication tab to the left, and fill out as much information as you have/can.