The Features module is a high-level contributed module that provides permitted users the ability to combine Drupal components together to create complex, customized, and shareable features across sites.

Simply put, Features is sort of a mini-module maker.  The Features module can combine pre-made custom content types, views, taxonomies, imagecache presets, and many other Drupal elements into a bundle that your site's administrator can choose to enable and use on your Drupal site.

Features are really only as limited as the feature developer's imagination.  Common features that you might find on a Drupal site include things such as media galleries, people/directory information, newsletter systems, and interesting display widgets.

The Features module is not intended for use by the average Drupal user, but the features that Web Services can easily create and deploy using the Features module are.

OSU Drupal Features

OSU Drupal Features are features that are created here at OSU and used within the OSU Drupal installation profile.

These features can come from many different places.  Web Services and University Relations and Marketing may develop features for high profile sites such as a college or institute and then release them to the wider OSU community for use.  Different organizations throughout OSU may also devise features and offer them up for sharing. Individuals may also create their own features and share them as well.

Below are samples of some features that have been developed by Web Services.


Click on an image to make it bigger.
Features - Overview - Video Carousel

1. Video Carousel

Features - Feature Story - Rotating Header Block

2. Feature Story

Features - Overview - Highlights

3. Highlights

If you have an idea for a feature, feel free to let us know by submitting a Help Ticket!

Read on to discover how to enable new features on your site and how to use the features that Digital Experience deploys to OSU Drupal.