To get your Feature Story blocks to display things, you need to create some Feature Story content.  Once you do this, the blocks will just automatically do what they're configured to do.

To create Feature Story content, do the following:

Click on an image to make it bigger.
Features - Feature Story - Add Feature Story

1. Add a Feature Story

Go to Admin menu > Content > Add content > Feature Story.

Features - Feature Story - Add Title, Image, Caption

2. Add Title, Image, and Caption

Title field = Enter a title

Display in Rotating Feature Block checkbox = this is checked by default. Unchecking this will remove the image from the Rotating Feature Story Header block, but keep the story active in the archive.

Picture field = upload a rectangular, landscape oriented picture here that is at least 1200x564 pixels (bigger is fine, but keep this 100:47 aspect ratio for best results)

Caption field = enter a brief summary regarding what this story is about.  This text will appear below your picture on the front page.

Features - Feature Story - Add Alternate URL or Body Text

3. Add Alternate URL or Body Text

Now you need to make a decision.

Alternate URL field = if you want to send your audience to an existing resource, enter the URL to it here. If the resource is outside of your site, make sure to enter the full protocol (the http:// part). If the resource is within your site, you can click the Search button under the field to use LinkIt.

Body field = if you want to write a story, enter your text here.

Click the Save button.

Features - Feature Story - Completed Feature Story

4. Completed Feature Story Node

And that's it.  You now have a new feature story!

Now for the cool part!  As you create new feature story content, the system is automatically adding your new feature story to all of it's different elements: the front page, the sidebar block, and the archive page:

Features - Feature Story - Sidebar Teaser Block Active

5. Updated Feature Story Sidebar Teaser Block

The Feature Story Sidebar Teaser block will only show the collection of stories that are currently promoted to the front page.

Features - Feature Story - Rotating Header Updated on Front Page

6. Updated Rotating Header Block

To remove a feature story from rotation, but retain the story in your system, just go into the story and uncheck the Display in Rotating Feature block checkbox.

Features - Feature Story - Archive Page Automatically Updated With Most Recent Feature Story

7. Updated Archive Page

The archive page will show all feature stories, whether they're showing in the Rotating Feature Story Header block or not.  If you wish for a feature story to not show in this list, just unpublish or delete it.