Click on an image to make it bigger.
D7 - CKEditor Tools - Linkit - Create an Anchor Link - Position Anchor

1. Position Anchor

Find the location on the page where you want your anchor to be.

Click on the Flag icon in the CKEditor toolbar. This will open a dialog box.

D7 - CKEditor Tools - Linkit - Create an Anchor Link - Create Anchor Link Fragment

2. Create Anchor Link Fragment

Link URL field: Add the following to the end of the URL: /#your-anchor-name. (Replace the words 'your-anchor-name' with what you actually use for your anchor.)

Click the Insert Link button.

Click the Save button to save your page.

D7 - CKEditor Tools - Linkit - Create an Anchor Link - Create Anchor

3. Set Anchor

Anchor Name field = enter the text you want to use as an anchor - use all small alpha-numeric characters and use dashes where you would normally use spaces.

Click the OK button to close the dialog.

D7 - CKEditor Tools - Linkit - Create an Anchor Link - Highlight Link Text

4. Highlight Link Text

Highlight the text you want to use as the link to the anchor.

Click on the Linkit icon, the chain with the plus sign on it.

D7 - CKEditor Tools - Linkit - Create an Anchor Link - Activated Anchor Pulls Up As Far As Possible

5. Test Link

After your saved page loads, test your link to make sure it works.

Please note that if your page is relatively short, the anchor link will pull up until the absolute bottom of your page appears at the bottom of the screen.

Related Video

Please note that videos which are provided from a source outside of OSU may not completely reflect OSU systems. Instead, use the provided video as a general guide to working with this particular subject.