3. Page Visibility Settings
Visibility Settings are different ways that you can show or hide your block, based on different situations. Let's take a closer look here...
Within the Pages visibility settings tab you can configure your block to only show on particular pages, or even a range of pages.
To show a block on specific pages:
First, select the Only the listed pages option.
For the front page, just enter <front>. Make sure to include the <>.
For all other pages, you'll need to determine the path. To do this, let's say that there's a node in an example site that is located at...
...the base URL is the examplesite.oregonstate.edu and the URL path is about. In our OSU Drupal 7 environment, anything that comes after the .edu is a URL path.
If we take the hypothetical about URL path and put it into the text box under our front page configuration, then we have configured that block to show on only the front page and the page that has the about URL path.
This can be taken even further. For example, if you had several pages that were nested under the about URL path, you could quickly include them all by using a wildcard, like this about/*.