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Books - Turn Off Book Nav Footer Links - Book Nav Footer Link Sample

1. Book Navigation Footer LInks

By default, within a book structure, as a book is developed, book navigation footer links will appear at the bottom of all book content. These links will create a table of contents, if the node has children, and will create previous, next, and up links to quickly navigate within a book structure.

Some people prefer to hide these links - which can be easily done by a site's architect.

Books - Turn Off Book Nav Footer Links - Hide Book Nav Links Checkbox

2. Turn Off Book Navigation Footer Links

Go to Admin menu > Appearance > Settings > Doug Fir.

Down in the OSU Theme Options fieldset, locate the Hide the book navigation links checkbox and check it.

Click the Save configuration button.

Books - Turn Off Book Nav Footer Links - Book Nav Links Hidden

3. Completed

Now, when viewing the node, there will be no footer links.