To date, you've been shown the long way to get to the Context management screen, via the Admin menu.

We actually have a tool that will show you exactly what contexts are being applied to a particular page and provide links to the respective contexts.


Click on an image to make it bigger.
Context Module - Using Active Contexts List - Click for Active Contexts Link

1. Locate Active Context

Click on the Show Active Contexts link in the right side of the Admin menu, next to your user name.

Context Module - Using Active Contexts List - Active Contexts List

2. Understanding the Active Contexts List

The Active Contexts List will then appear as a pop up.

Here you can see that multiple contexts can actually be applied to a node.

The Active Contexts List also informs you of the Conditions that each context meets as well as the Reactions that happen as a result.

Clicking on the respective edit link for a context will take you directly into that context's configurations, bypassing the Contexts List.