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File Types - Disable - File Types List

1. Navigate to File Types List

Go to Admin Menu > Structure > File Types.

File Types - Disable - Click Audio File Type Disable Link

2. Disable Audio File Type

Currently we do not have an audio player that will play uploaded audio files and we do not have any modules that provide a third party audio service therefore we're going to disable the Audio File Type.

Click the Audio File Type Disable link.

File Types - Disable - Audio File Type Disabled Confirmation

3. Confirm Disabling Of Audio File Type

You will be redirected to a confirmation screen asking if you're sure that you want to disable.

Click the Disable button.


File Types - Disable - Audio File Type Disabled

4. Audio File Type Disabled

The Audio File Type will then grey out and move to the bottom of the file type list.

File Types - Disable - Audio and Application File Types Disabled

5. Repeat Process With Application File Type

The Application File Type is actually obsolete, but has been kept around for those items that may have been affected when it was used early on.

This is a newer site that doesn't rely on this file type, so we'll turn this off as well.