Initiating a new blogsite within is very easy. In fact, you can do it in less than five minutes by doing the following:

Go to

Once at, click the Create a new blog link.

If you're not already logged into OSU's Central Authentication Service, you will be provided a dialog box to do so.

After successfully logging in, you'll be redirected to a registration form.

Site Name: This is will create your URL path. It needs to be all lowercase, alphanumeric characters with no spaces, dashes, or underscores

Site Title: This is the text that will appear at the top of your site.

Privacy: If you want Google to index your site, leave this as is. If you want to hide your site from search engines, click the "No" option.

Blog Category: Select what category this blog best fits in.

Once all of your data has been successfully submitted, you'll receive a confirmation screen.

Click the dashboard link to go to the dashboard of your new blog site.

Your new dashboard will have quite a bit happening on it. You'll want to familiarize yourself with it.