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D7 - Working with Content - Webforms - Custom Webform Settings - Edit Email Settings

1. Email Templates

To create a new email template, click on the Edit link in the Operations column of the email account that you want to change.

D7 - Webform - Configure Email - Uncheck Value

2. Adjusting Included e-mail Values

Once the page has finished loading, you should see the Edit E-mail Settings screen. Scroll down the page until you see the E-mail template fieldset, shown above.

Inside of the E-mail template fieldset, there exists a fieldset called Included e-mail values. Click on this to open it.

Within, you'll see a list of the names of all of the fields within this particular webform.  By default, all of them are checked.  Uncheck one, as shown below, check the Exclude empty components checkbox and then click the Save e-mail settings button.

D7 - Webform - Configure Email - Email Sample

3. Checking Your Results

Fill out the form and submit it.  Wait a minute or two and then check the email that you configured to receive the results of the webform submission.

This is a great option for simple webforms.  When we start dealing with huge, complex constructs, however, we're going to need to add a few more tools into our box.

Let's take a look at tokens, now, and discover how they can help us make some really nice looking output.