3. Other Field Configurations
You'll be redirected back to the field's Edit tab.
Here you'll have some basic settings regarding the appearance and quantity of this field.
Label field = this can be changed at any time.
Required Field checkbox = if this is a field that must be filled out, check this box.
Help Text text area field = enter optional help text here, if desired.
Minimum text field = this is to set a minimum acceptable value. It can be left blank.
Maximum text field = this is to set a maximum acceptable value. It can be left blank.
Prefix text field = this is to add a label, such as a $, to the left of the value. This label will recognize singular and plural values. Format in this manner: pound| pounds. Note the pipe and the space after the pipe, before the plural value.
Suffix text field = this is to add a label, such as a unit of measure, to the right of the value. This label will recognize singular and plural values. Format in this manner: pound| pounds. Note the pipe and the space after the pipe, before the plural value.
Default Value text field = allows you to set a default value for this field.
Field Template select field = provides integration with Display Suite.
Number of Values select field = the number of entries that you can add to this field.
Click the Save Settings button.